MS Becaco Ginny

  • Sale
  • Regular price $8,500.00

This mare has a lot of great qualities 

*She is confirmed in foal to "TS Chasin the Fame" (find him on FaceBook)
*Never offered to buck even with time off. I started her in a halter and lead rope bareback. She has always been easy to train and her baby is proving to show those same qualities. 
*Proven broodmare (has a 4 yo gelding that is going well and a weanling that is also available) 
*Is good with other horses 
*Isn't marish 
*Easy to be around, catch and haul .
*She's cowy 
*Has enough go you don't have to peddle, but enough whoa you don't have to pull (would be ideal for moving/working cattle) 
*Pretty and she is a relatively clean horse 
*She's soft in the mouth 
*Has good feet (easy to trim but never had shoes, hubby is the farrier and it's hard enough to get him to put shoes on the ones that need them) 
*You can ride her bareback. 
*She has a smooth trot and lope. 
*She has a nice stop. 
*She has pen roped cattle and started out of the box but has probably only roped 100 head out of the box. She stays good and quiet in the box but due to weather (and personal on/off shoulder issues from her rider) she hasn't had the opportunity for 4 months. 
*She hasn't had any major injuries. 
*Not buddy sour or barn sour. 
*She was ranch raised. The Beggs Ranch owned her and the Haythorn Ranch bought her as a weanling. I purchased her as a 4 yo. 

*She is not finished in any discipline yet. Therefore, an experienced rider would be best. 
*She has a really small blue dot in her eye. I tried to get a pic of it but it doesn't show. 
*She hasn't been ridden in the past year.

Contact 208-420-7451 for more info. Located in Southern Idaho